
I’m coding & designing, and I like working with product, user experience, and interface design. And other things too.

I’d like to write more (don’t we all), and I consume a (un)healthy amount of music.

You can reach me via email or Mastodon.

I'm currently readingUte Av Verden” by Karl Ove Knausgård.

My fav track is ♫ Dancing In The Dark by Juanes.

On my mind

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  1. View

    I've made an observation with regards to the quality and style of my writing: after years of constructing mostly short sentences in Slack and on Twitter/Mastodon, my prose style is really bad (for my standards).

    Continued ⇢

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    Being on parental leave is like a brain reset. I experienced the same thing with the first child, and now with the second. My everyday life has shrunk, in a good way, to revolve around the simplest tasks, such as going grocery shopping for extended periods, going to the gym (with the baby sleeping in the stroller), and regular household chores. I guess most modern people (probably men) dread these tasks, but I've come to love them. Being able to focus on the things I do in a rush in normal life is so great.

    Continued ⇢

  3. View

    This list of things that don’t work was fun:

    1. Nonfiction books. Arguably? How much do we really retain?

    Continued ⇢


Tracks I've listened to recently.


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  1. Posting to Mastodon when deploying a static site

  2. Mastodon

  3. My favourite software